Serial/Chasis Number: | 16473 |
Engine Number: | |
Steering: | Left Hand |
US/European Specifications: | US |
Exterior Color: | Red |
Original Exterior Color: | Red |
Interior Color: | Red |
Original Interior Color: | Black |
Wheels: | Wire |
Factory Options: | A/C |
Record Type: | |
Date of Purchase: | |
Mileage when Purchased: | |
Price when Purchased: | |
Current Mileage: | 31,000 |
Current Location: | California |
Owner's Website: |
Additional Comments:
After purchase, approx 10 years ago, Junior Conway (JRS House of Color) performed total restoration taking 2 1/2 years. After stripping the car down Junior found body to be in excellent condition requiring a minimum of metal work. Will provide many more details after reviewing file which I have not looked at for about 10 years.