Serial/Chasis Number: | 16887 |
Engine Number: | - |
Steering: | Right Hand |
US/European Specifications: | European |
Exterior Color: | Colour Rosso Bordeaux Dino 20-R-351. |
Original Exterior Color: | Colour Rosso Bordeaux Dino 20-R-351. |
Interior Color: | Beige leather and carpet |
Original Interior Color: | Beige leather and carpet |
Wheels: | Alloy |
Factory Options: | - |
Record Type: | - |
Date of Purchase: | 1996 |
Mileage when Purchased: | - |
Price when Purchased: | - |
Current Mileage: | - |
Current Location: | Australia |
Owner's Website: | - |
Additional Comments:
One of the last few RHD cars made. Was in Australia 1975 – 1989, England 1989-1996 and back to Australia in 1996 where it is today.
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