Serial/Chasis Number: | 16965 |
Engine Number: | |
Steering: | Left Hand |
US/European Specifications: | US |
Exterior Color: | Yellow |
Original Exterior Color: | Bronze |
Interior Color: | Blue |
Original Interior Color: | Red/Black |
Wheels: | Wire |
Factory Options: | A/C |
Record Type: | |
Date of Purchase: | |
Mileage when Purchased: | |
Price when Purchased: | |
Current Mileage: | 5,500 |
Current Location: | |
Owner's Website: |
If this is your car and you'd like to add/change any information or submit a photo of your car please contact the site's webmaster at webmaster@ferrariregistry.netAdditional Comments:
This car was built in May 1973. I'm the sixth owner...owned on the West Coast for twelve years. Then in Japan, Hong Kong and Connecticut...it has spent significantly more milage being shipped around the world than the actual milage (5,500 miles on the road!) Great car!